Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Legislative Assembly Election of West Bengal

Legislative Assembly Election of West Bengal has just been completed peacefully. Political parties had nominated candidates to elect 294 constituencies for this assembly election 2016. The previous assembly election was held on 2011 and TMC got their highest victory. Comparing the number of voters from 2011 to 2016, it is seen that this number has increased by 16%, henceforth it is the custom to arrange proper infrastructure to cast their vote.

Election Commission of India played a vital role here. They identified the most politically vulnerable areas and keep the zone under armed force surveillance. They raided several houses and smashed every planning of nuisance. These steps boost the confidence of people to attend their respective polling station peacefully.

For the first time ECI has incorporated NOTA button, where one can cast NOTA if do not like any candidate. ECI issued voter slip with photograph, serial number, part number, name and address of polling station. The Central Armed Force played a major role secure electoral dynamics. ECI has also arranged cold drinks and water for voters on the scorching heat of summer. Separate EVM were arranged for the physically challenged, blind and other types of disabled people. VVPAT also been incorporated this year. ECI paid special respect to the transgender; they were being assigned to run the election mechanism in some specific polling station.

The overall scenario of election theatre seems to be more transparent and more responsive from Govt. side. All the arrangement throws positive energy to the people to attend polling station. There were several disturbances occurred during election, still these are very small and were easily handled by ECI. ECI played its full fledged authorized game to make the whole procedure more transparent, more dynamic and more peaceful with more motivation.

The representative of Govt. should play like a way that people can understand that Govt. is the guardian to them rather the political parties. The above statement has proved by ECI in last few days. We should really trust and to feel proud for this constitutional institute – Election Commission of India.

Here we live..!

There is a well known feature that your behavior is your signature. This is applicable to each element in our nature. It behaves as it is and the rest finds the flavor of it. The presentation and assessment is done by the audience. Under Article 19(1)(a) of Indian Constitution, freedom of speech and expression has dedicated to the people of India. It includes organization, press and individuals. Freedom of speech and expression can be expressed in terms of word of mouth, printing, painting or writing. It is clearly clarified in Article 19(1)(a) of IC, that the above does not mean one can express anything illegal or uses some slang terminology which seems to be abusive to other. One can express any burning event of recent days and analyze rationally with their logical point of notion.

Sometime it is seen our so called ‘mammoths’ expressing threat to their opposition parties. This is truly illegal, abusive and violates Article 19(1)(a) of IC. If we dig the historical background of their mind, no one can hesitate to perceive that these mammoths are coming from respected trolls from a literally backdated and economically vulnerable class of society. Most of them are not properly educated, perhaps they are school dropouts. However, they did not learn what should be the moral character of a respectable person of society. Understanding constitutional philosophy is rather batter far of their level of knowledge.

This political behemoth lays most vital role in the confluence. In several these behemoth expresses their inner threat and hatred on a public meeting, use abusive language, personal abusive comments and so on.

These types of ‘mammoths’ misguide their team to direct their followers in diverse direction. They should keep in mind they have been selected to move the society in the true path which will bring peace, fraternity and security. Moreover, they should not violate the Constitution.

Dismantling any garland is not big or hard work rather to bind thread with proper alignment of flowers to build the garland is really a hard work. They should keep in mind people had elected them to unite the nation rather to break the thread and put off all small units and keep into the garbage.

True and moral character comes from education and continuous practice to inculcate the mechanics of learning. A true learner can learn anything to serve his motherland. To imbibe the extract of learning one should have proper intention to learn, otherwise everything will be smashed. Our nation contains enormous resource, well organized culture, secularism and fraternity. Apart from this our country would have been more jovial and enjoyable if the apex persons would have been more suave, moral and ethical in character.


Honorable Election Commission of India has introduced a new option to the respected voters. For a long period of time Indians were bound to cast their voting rights to any of the candidates, who may eligible to elect. Voters had no option rather to cast unwillingly. However, these misbehaving candidates were elected for Assembly and Parliament. It may be embarrassing and not accepted. It should have some action to opt for some other button which proclaim the voting rights as well as one can discard a vote to his/her unwanted candidates. This is the proper democracy that choice must be independent.

None Of The Above has incorporated in the new EVM since last three years. Here if anyone thinks that he do not want to elect the candidate of any party from his constituency, can cast his vote to NOTA button. Earlier, people defaced the ballot papers by casting multiple votes. According to the rule, if one ballot contains more than one vote, is likely to be cancelled and rejected. And it is not on count. These rejected ballots were not credited to any one of the candidates. In the new system, NOTA also plays a similar role, the number of NOTA votes are not being credited to any one of candidates, however, this statistics possess that number of voters in a specific constituency are not satisfied with the service.

This type of information was completely lost in earlier times. The Govt. now can understand the significance of NOTA. Govt. can learn the parameters of governance should have to modify to praise trust of the voters.

NOTA is a democratic instrument which has been bestowed to the people of Nation. One should have understood the significance as well as importance of NOTA. It is seen that NOTA attendance is less than one percent of the total vote casted. It can easily be said that people are not selfish, they are thinking for the large scale. So they understand the significance and they are applying their democratic rights for the interest of large scale.